Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm just confused...

I don't know what to believe anymore.  What's your take on judging people?  If I question a person and they deny anything that pertains to the question, and I doubt every word....does that mean I judge them?  Or is judging them saying I think they're not a Christian?  Or is it saying I think they deserve to be punished?  Do you have any good scripture on the matter?  Have you ever struggled with this?

I'm having a hard time separating myself from a situation.  It's starting to wear on me and I'm exhausted.  I've tried to give it to God, but I keep taking it back.  I hate what this is doing to people I love and care for. Why oh why? 

I'm sorry this is so vague.  I know I will be able to talk more about it once everything has passed. 


  1. It's a very fine line between judging and just wanting to know the truth I think. Matthew 7:16 says "By their fruit you will recognize them." Which to me means that you should be able to look at how someone behaves/acts and know that they are a Christian. So I think it's ok to spiritually "judge" what someone is saying/doing IF you believe it goes against what the Bible says.
    But I also think it's all about the attitude in which you are thinking about the person. I think the whole idea is to always be thinking about the person in the spirit of love and wanting the best for them. (which is the hard part!)
    God understands what you are dealing with though, and He wants to help. Just constantly give it over to Him. He's not going to beat you over the head every time you have a judgemental thought! :)

  2. I agree with Stephanie! And I think it has to do with your heart and motive...if you just look at one thing someone does that you don't really know and make a hasty judgement on them, you're "judging". It isn't our place to say who is a Christian or who is going to Heaven. With this person you are obviously close to this person and I think you know whether they are right with God or not. From just your blogs, it wouldn't seem like they are and we know God doesn't want anyone divorced. He allows it under a couple of circumstances. You do have to keep giving it to God because it isn't your burden to carry and you can't fix it. All you can do is pray, offer the words God gives you, and continue to give it over to him. I struggle with several issues sometimes that I feel the need to control instead of letting God handle it. Some times it takes doing it over and over.
