Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

My mother's day was great.  Saturday night Matthew took me on a date to Jonah's.  It was so good.  I had shrimp and grits.  AMAZING!!!  I think I have a new favorite.  Then Matthew and I went to verizon and he got me texting on my phone.  I didn't have it because I blocked it while in college.  I would get texts from my friends who "butt text me"  It was costing my dad money, so ihad it blocked.  I never cared to get it, but a few of my closest friends have been begging me to get it.  I am glad I have it, but I'm hoping I don't get addicted.

I wasn't expecting anything from my babies.  Not because they don't care, but Matthew's been super busy with work and studying.  I  had to go to the grocery store this morning to make some sides for lunch.  I came home and he and the kiddos had made me a card.  It was perfect and sweet. 

We went to my mom's and had fun.  Alyssa loves to swim.  I think she's my little fish. 

I had an awesome day.  Each one of my children brings me joy.  Today God highlighted for me all the things that bring me joy.  It was good.  I needed to see that because I've been rather exhausted lately  and have missed out on a lot of things my children have to offer. 


  1. Alaina I love reading your blogs. I love how honest you are! Motherhood is HARD and before I became a mom no one ever talked about anything negative and when I felt frustrated or drained it made me feel like a bad mom. It wasn't until I heard other mom say they had days like this too that I realized I was not alone. Glad you had a great Mother's Day.

  2. Thanks Jennifer. I didn't know if anyone enjoyed reading my blog or not. I have a hard time just enjoying my kids. God's working on me, but it's a loooong road right now.
