Sunday, August 26, 2012


I think I need to come to the realization that this is my life. All craziness and juggling. With four children life is is a whirlwind. I fall into bed at night completely exhausted. I get little me time. But I need to be okay with my life. I need joy to be a permanent resident in my home. I now understand the verse that says the joy of the Lord is your strength. Without joy my life is messy and annoying. Handling my children isn't easier but there is so much more grace with I have the joy of the Lord. There is so much in our society that try's to steal our joy. Moms judging each other. Moms trying to keep up with the newest parenting technique. Family dynamics that challenge you daily. Friends that are well meaning. But each situation we are presented with is seen in such a different light when we are filled with joy. You don't have to be happy to have joy. You can be going through the hardest time in your life and still have joy. I want that. I want joy so I can come through this depths of motherhood with my sanity.