Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been a few days.  I worked all last week on a dress for a friend of mine and it wore me out!  I will post pictures of it soon.  Then we went to the beach for the day.  The night before we left I decided we needed a beach bag.  I was going to just go buy one but my husband looked at me like I was crazy.  So, At 11pm I made a beach bag.  It only took me an hour!  I will post pictures later. 

I have just been feeling worn out.  So, I've taken a break from everything but being with my kiddos.  I have a few projects I need to do, a sleeping bag for Alyssa (I may even make my first tutorial)!! and that bag and crayon roll.  Also, I have a baby shower Saturday for a friend and I'm trying to decide if I want to make something or just buy her something...hmmm...

Michelle has been crawling really well for the past few weeks.  She's so cute.  She now has started crawling really fast whenever she sees Johnathan coming to her.  She's tryign to get away!!  She can also play peek-a-boo.  Alyssa has grown up so much in the past few weeks.  I'm excited to see how school is for her!  She is already excited about school and asks about going every few days.  Johnathan is my hand ful right now.  He has this attitude that I just don't know how to correct. 

So there's my update!  Hope you have a great week!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am excited!!  I had someone ask me to make a bag and crayon roll for their little girl.  She said I could be creative.  She likes pink and brown together and her daughter loves butterflies...

So, here are the two fabrics I bought for my projects!  The end result will not be done for a couple of weeks....but I'll post as soon as I'm done.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maybe too much honesty.....

I hate it when I get in a funk.  When I get moody and just plain blah.  I was talking to Matthew tonight about how it's been four years since I've gotten a full nights sleep.  I have someone wake me up in the middle of the night at some point every night. I think that may be why I'm a different person than I want to be.  I am not the mom I alway envisioned myself being.  I'm selfish, mean, and nagging.  But only to with my kids.  Matthew and I have a pretty great relationship, in my eyes anyway.  But there is a resentment in my relationship with Alyssa, my oldest.  I don't like it, I'm not even sure why or what's causing this problem.  No one ever says, "I don't get a long with my child.  I don't like being with my child.  Does that other mom really like her, because I sure am struggling with it right now."  I feel horrible for feeling this way.  But truth be told, deep deep down, it's where I struggle the most.  I have been praying that God would help me see her the way He sees her.  I am writing this, because I want to know if I'm alone in this. 

Just as I'm writing this, God's bringing back to me a that the transition time came when Johnny was born.  Up to that point, Alyssa was great and I don't remember having tons of problems with her.  But after he was born, something changed.  She stopped sleeping through the night.  I was having to get up with Johnny and as soon as he would be asleep, she would wake up, and my nights would go back and forth and it was like that for weeks.  During those weeks, I was a monster.  I did things and thought things that were awful, just beyond awful.  I think there was a shift in our relationship from that point on with me and Alyssa. 

Oh Daddy,  I need you to repair and rebuild my relationship with Alyssa. Heal both of us from the pain that has been caused by my lack of compassion with her.  Daddy, I am so sorry for how I've treated my daughter.  Heal me from my resentment  and frustratioin.  Renew me and cleanse me oh God.  I desire to see my daughter for the beauty person she is, inside and out.  Create in my a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirirt within me.  Thank you for allowing me to be Alyssa's mom, I want to bring you Glory through her.  I love you Daddy!!  In your holy name, Amen.

So, wow....this is not what I was expecting when I started this post out.  But it is my heart's desire and Lord willing there will be healing!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I love making Birthday gifts!!

It's been a few days since I last posted.  My hubby got a new toy on Monday, a PS3, and I've been playing games with him.  That was his reason for getting it, so we could spend more time together.  Hehehe, he is so thoughtful!!  I love my hubby so much.  He is the perfect fit for me.

I was also making an awesome birthday gift for the cutest little girl.  She had her 4 year old party on Saturday.  I had so much fun making her gifts.  At first I was going to just make this,  but I didn't think it would be enough, so I whipped up one of these.  I was so excited because I was able to make the crayon roll in one afternoon!!  I am still new at the sewing thing and I have to rip out seams all the time. 

Want to see what I made? 

They were a hit!!  I was even asked to make some more.  I am not in this right now to make any money.  Making them just gives me an excuse to buy really cute fabric!!

These next two weeks are going to be different for me.  I am making a dress for a friend of mine.  Crazy!!  I've never made a dress for someone wtih curves.  This is the dress  pattern I'm making.  And I'm going to make a matching dress for her 1 year old.  I'm just praying everything goes good.  I hope she doesn't have high expectations!