Sunday, June 6, 2010

I love making Birthday gifts!!

It's been a few days since I last posted.  My hubby got a new toy on Monday, a PS3, and I've been playing games with him.  That was his reason for getting it, so we could spend more time together.  Hehehe, he is so thoughtful!!  I love my hubby so much.  He is the perfect fit for me.

I was also making an awesome birthday gift for the cutest little girl.  She had her 4 year old party on Saturday.  I had so much fun making her gifts.  At first I was going to just make this,  but I didn't think it would be enough, so I whipped up one of these.  I was so excited because I was able to make the crayon roll in one afternoon!!  I am still new at the sewing thing and I have to rip out seams all the time. 

Want to see what I made? 

They were a hit!!  I was even asked to make some more.  I am not in this right now to make any money.  Making them just gives me an excuse to buy really cute fabric!!

These next two weeks are going to be different for me.  I am making a dress for a friend of mine.  Crazy!!  I've never made a dress for someone wtih curves.  This is the dress  pattern I'm making.  And I'm going to make a matching dress for her 1 year old.  I'm just praying everything goes good.  I hope she doesn't have high expectations!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the things you make, they are great!
