Friday, May 14, 2010

a 4 year journey

It all started four years ago.  I was pregnant with Alyssa and working as an accountant.  Matthew wasn't employed but he knew he need a job that would support the family.  I told him from the day I found out I was prego I was staying at home and me working wasn't an option.  God would provide for us.  So, I set about training someone new at my job. Then one day at my doctor's visit they said I was 2 cm and could go any day.  That being my first child, I got excited and thought that braxton hicks were real contractions.  So, I told my boss I would work until the end of the week.  At that point Matthew still didn't have a job, but I felt like God was leading me to take a step of faith.  Well, that same week he got an interview with a company.  It seemed like the perfect fit.  He was hired the same day I left...July 15. I didn't have Alyssa for another 3 weeks, but it was nice to have a break from not working!!

He started out his job as a network tech.  In order to be promoted to engineer he has to pass a lot of certifications.  But not only that, he has to have great customer service skills, reliability, character, and experience.  Matthew worked hard for four years, and yesterday he was given the promotion of Network Engineer!!!  For him to accept the promotion is a big step of faith.  He is going from salary to commission.  But we know that God has been with him every step of the way.  And what's awesome about this company is that one of the owners told Matthew how to get new customers, PRAYER.  That's how this company has been built, by prayer.  I am excited for this new adventure.  I know it means Matthew is on call 24/7 and will work a lot, specially in the beginning while he starts out.  

I've known Matthew since he was 14 years old.  It is amazing to see who he has become as a man.  He surprises me daily with how awesome he is.  His work ethic is great and from what I hear, all of his clients just love him.  It makes me a little sad to know I can't witness him in action.  I told him last night I wish I could be a fly on the wall sometimes, just so I could get a glimpse into that part of his life.  We are one flesh, but he has his own world at work.  But I will rejoice in all God has done for Matthew and us, and I won't dwell on that part of this.


  1. That is really awesome! I am so thankful God has provided for me to stay at home also. I can't imagine it any other way!

  2. Congratulations Matthew! That is very exciting! I can definitely see how he excels with customer service and just all around good character!!

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