Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 7 and some ponderings

My seventh weigh in was today.  I only lost 1.5 pounds.  yes I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed. I wanted to lose more, but I was unable to work out this morning.  I had gotten Johnathan out of a bed covered in "spit up" (as Alyssa calls it).  After I cleaned it up my stomach started to feel queasy.  (hey if you play scrabble just add qu to easy and you get queasy....)I thought it was just in my head and went to work out anyway.  I got on the treadmill and about passed out.  So no exercise today.  My stomach has been queasy on and off all day. Blech!

Now, onto my pondering.  I read a book called "The bluebird and the sparrow" by Janette Oke.  It's about two sister, One is beautiful and bubbly.  The older sister is plain and dependable. The older sister always felt that her sister was her mom's favorite.  That got me thinking about my sister and I.  We are very different.  She's shorter, has great olive skin, and these BIG blue eyes.  Me, I'm taller, have white skin, and have green eyes.  Our hair is the only thing that matches.  But the difference doesn't stop there.  She walks into a room and demands attention.  I walk into a room and blend into the wall.  She is extremely smart but lacks common sense.  I'm smart but can cover what I don't know with common sense. She bubbly and laughs a lot.  I'm more serious.  Those are some ways that we're different.  Growing up I tried to feel accepted by my sister. But I always felt like I fell short from having her accept me.  But a while back I realized that I didn't need her acceptance. I know she loves me.  But I'm not willing to change who I am just to please her.  It's painful to watch my mom and her's relationship.  I know that my mom favors her over me.  But it's more that my mom has to work so hard to gain my sister's approval.  So she has to give my sister more attention.  But it doesn't bother me one bit.  It did at one time,  but I know that I'm special to my mom.  I'm her dependable one. It's so nice to look back and know that I didn't allow my circumstances to define me.  I didn't have a horrible childhood.  I have rather fond memories.  But looking back as an adult I can see where I could have become someone completely different than I am now.  I thank God and praise Him for protecting me from those things growing up.  Growing up I always felt God's hand on me and guiding me.  I pray that all of my children feel the same thing.  I want them to have assurance that no matter what God will always love them and he created them to be who they are.

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