Sunday, August 1, 2010

A New Start

This week is full of newness for my lil' Lyssa.  She starts school tomorrow.   Granted it is only pre-k, it'll be from 8:30 until 11:45 five days a week.  For me, this is a big thing.  She has been with me for four years, very rarely did she leave my side.  There are many days when I need a break from her, but she's my little side kick.  I think her being gone for half a day will help our relationship a good deal.  She's a little nervous about tomorrow.  I pray she does well.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Not only does she start school this week, but she turns FOUR on Friday...FOUR!   That was the longest fastest four years.  I've seen her grow and change.  I am excited to see what the next four years hold. 

On a different note, I had a hard week and felt very inadequate as a mom.  I was praying and realized that that was a lie from satan.  So, I am praying through that unbelief and started reading Proverbs 31.  God revealed to me that I do have a job, cooking healthy, cleaning, shopping, raising my children.  And I need to do my job unto the Lord.  I felt an overwhelming sense of peace with that.  I can't be the perfect mom/wife I want to be.  But I can be who God wants me to be and He'll lead me from there.  My attitude was/amd still sometimes is not what I want it to be.  I can feel that if I don't change, I'll become very selfish and that is the last thing I want. 

Anyway,  I don't know if any of that made sense to you, but for me, it's what God had for me!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope she loves school! Addison starts next monday, but hers is from 8:30-11:30 three days a week. Which is plenty for us! That scripture spoke very loudly to me several months ago in my attitude towards being a housewife. Because I feel like I'm great at the stay at home mom stuff, but the housewife part is hard because I don't like cleaning and I have to do it every day.
