Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What's going on

So I am addicted to looking up different free tutorials on little girl dresses.  I love to print them out.  I now have a folder full of great ideas to sew.  I wish I had time to sew.  I love making things for people.  Right now I want to make Alyssa's Easter dress. My mom bought me some cute fabric that I've been wanting to use.  Maybe I'll have enought o make matching dresses for my two girls! 

So Johnathan has had a runny nose since the winter began.  I don't know what's causing it.  I think maybe allergies?  But Matthew and I were talking about it on Monday afternoon and we made a decision.  We thought that taking his paci away would help.  Monday night he went to bed without them.  He cried for about 45 minutes and then feel asleep.  Yesterday, he didn't take a nap.  He just cried and cried :( Last night he only cried for a few minutes and then fell asleep. But he woke up early.  He usually sleeps until 8-8:30 this morning he was up at 6:30.  I'm about to fix him lunch and the try to get him to take a nap.  I pray that his adjustment time will be quick!  I have been wanting to do it but was waiting for Matthew to be on board.  It's hard to do something like this when both parents don't agree.

Tomorrow I weigh in. I am hoping to loose 2 pounds.  Right now I am down one.  Will see what happens tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep us updated on the Paci situation. We haven't taken Cam's yet, although he usually gets it ONLY during sleep time. He is VERY attached to it during those times though, and I am not sure how he will react when we wean him. Carson was SOOOO easy to break(all we did was just TAKE it one day and that was the end of it) but I have a feeling Camden will be a whole different ball game! Praying Johnathan adjusts quick!
