Monday, February 8, 2010

So, I am having to buy clothes for my three year old now.  I wanted to check out ebay and see what all they had.  I wasn't planning on buying much, just looking.  Well, there was a ton of really cute stuff out there.  So I impulsively put bids on a lot of things.  I may have outdone myself and am secretly praying I'll be outbid on most of them.  But the few things where I am being outbid, I find myself wanting to bid more.  So, I'm not going to check my email until these things end.  Then, I'm going to have to stay away from ebay.  Who knew  I would have little self-control in this area.  I just know I get tired of only having about a weeks worth of outfits for her to wear.  I have a closet full of clothes but nothing seems to go with anything. I need to get rid of a lot of their stuff.  It's just hard because my sister and I have always kept all the baby clothes to pass back and forth.  Now, my brother's getting married and we'll have another sister to eventually pass things to.  It seems that the clothescollection always get added to and never taken from.  That's just how it is I guess. Soon, a lot of these items will be out of style and then we'll be able to get rid of them!

1 comment:

  1. OH gosh! I do alot of Christmas shopping on Ebay! And I totally lose sight of why I'm on there: to save money! I just start bidding like crazy. One trick I've learned is to just "watch" the item. Then when it's almost over, you can decide if you want to spend money on it or if it's too much.
