Friday, January 22, 2010

Week one!

What a week!  I had my offical weight-in yesterday.  I lost 10 pounds in 11 days!!  I was completely surprised.  I thought I had only lost 7 pounds.  My goal was 20 pounds and it looks like I'll be able to exceed my goal.  I do have an advantage over a lot of people,  I'm still nursing and I burn 500 more calories that those that aren't.  Team PB&J lost a total of 39.5 pounds.  We did really great!!  I rewarded myself with a peppermint chocolatechip milkshake from chick-fil-a. After not eating any sugary foods for two weeks, it wasn't as good as I had hoped.  It tasted great, but it didn't sit well.  I have  nine more long weeks left!  But I'm exciyed to see how I'll look and feel after this is all over!!

1 comment:

  1. That is wonderful Alaina! And great for your team! Keep up the great work!
