Friday, December 4, 2009

Michelle Kate

Michelle Kate is almost 11 weeks already.  It seems like just yesterday I was completely miserable being pregnant with her.  My pregnancy was long and rough.  It didn't get bad until about the last two months.  It all started with Alyssa birthday party.  The morning of her party at about 3 am, Matthew woke up with severe pain in his stomach.  He wallowed on the bed for 3 hours before I was finally able to talk him into going to the hospital.  He got there and we were able to see the doctor rather quickly.  But he wanted to run some tests.  My mom was watching my two kids so Matthew told me to go and relieve  her and  get ready for Alyssa's party.  It took forever to get Matthew's tests done.  I was running around getting the cake made, getting last minute stuff, and making food.  All the while Matthew was at the er just waiting.  Well, thankfully God was looking out for me and sent a friend over early because she got the time wrong.  So about 5 minutes before the party was to start Matthew calls me and tells that he had appendicitis. They were going to have to do surgery but he didn't know what time.  So, I'm crying and guest were arriving.  Everyone was so understanding and we all had a good time.  As soon as I got the call that Matthew was about to have surgery, I kicked everyone out and went to the hospital.  I worked myself way to hard that day and don't think I recovered until after I had Michelle. 

This is a really bad picture of me but it shows you how large I was and I still had 2 months to go.

My due date was October 4th with her and by the time I got into my third trimester people were asking me if I was going to have her then.  I was huge.  And she sat low.  At week 35 weeks I was 4 cms dilated.  I was helped along on September 19th.  Her delivery was rough.  She had shoulder dystocia and it took my pushing and the midwife pulling to get her out.  They took her straight to the nursery.  I didn't even get to hold her and it was a long couple of hours before the brought her to me.  Then they handed her to me and she felt like a paper weight. She was 9lbs 3 oz.  She was all bruised and swollen from the delivery.

We brought her home and they mentioned jaundice but my other two had it and it went away quickly.  When I took Michelle back to get her bilirubin checked, and I got a call from her doctor saying she had to be readmitted to the hospital because it was dangerously high.  She had to be put under a light, with a Bili blanket, and have a iv.

If you look closely, they put a cup over her hand to keep the IV in.  She was released the next day and we had to keep her under a Bili blanket for a week.

Now, she is a perfectly health baby.  She is already sleeping through the night most nights.  She can soothe herself to sleep already.  She hardly cries.  I love her so much already.  She makes our family feel complete.  I get so many complements on her hair.  She has thick hair, and when it's wet, it has a lot of curl to it.   My favorite feature on her is her eyelashes.  They're so long and thick. 

She has started smiling and cooing. She smiles with her eyes mostly.  It's hard to get her to smile with her mouth.  She's so precious and I'm amazed at how God created her from nothing!!

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