Thursday, November 19, 2009

How I see my love for my husband

I am just going to ramble now because I don't have any particular thing to write about but I feel like writing.

I am so blessed.  I have an awesome husband.  Daily I find ways to be thankful and appreciative of him.  Like today, someone was talking bout how they just don't love their husband or kids any more.  I was thankful that after nine years of being together that I was still in love with my husband.  It's not the "get weak in the knees" kind of love, it's a respectful kind of love.  I love him because I want to love him.  I think of his feelings and wants above my own. I lay down my own desires to please him.  Not because he requires it or because he expects it, but because I love him and I want to.   Yes I get aggravated with him.  Yes there are days when I want to run away.  But I get putting in the effort.  I know that love takes work and I am more than willing to do that for my husband.  I don't look at other men with a desiring heart.  I try to see what makes Matthew better for me than that man.  Someone once told me about an analogy.  Here goes.  Some men are chocolate chip cookies.  You want to eat them and yummy.  Some men are oatmeal cookies.  You see them and aren't tempted to pick them up.  But if you're not careful that oatmeal cookie can start looking more and more like a chocolate chip cookie.  So I try to see what makes other men look like an oatmeal cookie so that they won't ever seem like a chocolate chip cookie to me.  And I try to always remember what makes Matthew my chocolate chip cookie. (wow, I want a real cookie now!!)  I love him so much and want to be the wife he needs.  That is the desire of my heart.  I'm not perfect, but I know I'm committed to Matthew until the day I die.  And I don't want that time to be full of strife or hardship.  I want it to full of life and joy.  I am committed to laying down my life for my husband.  I love you Matthew and I promise to always give you my best.

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