Monday, July 23, 2012

confessions of a "Supermom"

I get told a lot how brave I am or that I am a super mom. For some reason I recoil at these comments. I am not a super mom and I am not husband and I look at each other a lot and ask if we are just plum crazy.  I know that is what people think when they see me out and about with all four kids in tow. 

What makes a super mom? I sure don't feel like one and I don't want the pressure that creates.  I am Alyssa's mom.  I am Johnny's mom.  I am Michelle's mom. And I am Amelia's mom.  I am the mom of four active stubborn creative kids.  I fail multiple times a day.  I beg God to help me daily.  I yell, a lot.  I told Alyssa today that I need to work on it. I am not perfect. I am not brave.  I am just a mom.

To me a brave super mom is one that isn't selfish and pours every ounce of themselves into their children.  I am extremely selfish and with each child I bring into this world, I learn how selfish I am.  A super mom teaches their children to care about others above themselves.  If I could just get mine to learn how to flush the potty I am doing good.  A super mom reads books daily to their children.  I am good if I get one book partially read to them once a week. A super mom speaks in gentle tones and never get angry with their child. I yell, scream, breath fire daily. A super mom kisses boo-boos.  I hand mine a bandaid and tell them to get tough.  A super mom knows how to spot and prevent a fight about to errupt.  I somehow just make the fighting worse.  A super mom makes well balanced meals and has a  spotless house. HAHAHAHA...that is all I can say to that one. I could go on and on but I won't.

I say all of this to say I care about my children and I am learning daily what to do.  I want to win my child's heart.  That is what matters.  I am honest with my children.  I tell them and they see me cry out to God for help. God is my strength.  God is who is going to grow my children.  I am just a vessel He uses.  And daily I have to remind myself God gave me these four beautiful children, so He had to think I would be able to do this.  Being called a super mom implys I am the one that is doing it.  I am not because my children would be terrible if I was.  God is doing it through me.

Don't call me a super mom...just call me mom.

1 comment:

  1. You are very blessed and your children are blessed to have you! Being a mom is a non stop, hard job! Sometimes I wish I could pause time just for a few days and go on a vacation alone! haha Hang in there! And reach out to other moms if you need someone to talk to. You were on my heart last week and I was praying for you. I debated about sending you a message but after your post I just wanted to share with you.
