Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Amelia's Birth

My fourth pregnancy was hard and I did not wait very patiently for it to be over.  Now that it is over I feel better than I did for nine months!

On Tuesday April 24th, I went to see my doctor, Novak, and I was 4cm dialated.  I begged him to help me out and strip me that day.  He said no, I won't do anything until you are 39 weeks.  I was sooo bummed.  There was a med student there and he examined me as well.  I didn't think much of it.

On Sunday, my neice had her birthday party.  Her grandad, Jackson, happens to be my obgyn.  He was also on call that night.  I tried talking him into meeting me up at the hospital after the party was over.  He wouldn't do it.  My mom even tried!  He said he wouldn't do anything until I was 39 weeks.  (which I am so thankful they wait.  Because it is safer for mom and baby!)

I had been having a lot of pains in my legs for a few days and it had gotten really bad by monday.  I felt as if my legs were bruised and they were tender to touch.  I had another appointment on Tuesday so I just waited to talk to the dr, Novak.  I got there and he walks in the room, without the student, and says...wanna be stripped today?  I said Yes!!  (I have been stripped before with other pregnancies without much success. I was pretty sure it wouldn't do anything) So he did that and I told him about my legs hurting.  He sends me to the hospital to get a ultrasound of my veins to make sure there are no blood clots.  The lady doing the ultrasound says how low the baby's head is and that she can't get a good veiw of one vein.  I don't have any clots she can see.  So they let me go home. 

I have a busy afternoon and so I run all over the place, I can't remember what all I had to do I just remember being all over the place that night.  I hadn't had any contractions so I just knew I wouldn't be having this baby that day.  I do know Matthew had to work really late and I had three kids to take all over the place.

Matthew got home around ten and I told him "I am going to bed, I want to get a good night sleep just in case I have a baby in the morning," I go to bed and have the best night sleep in weeks.

May 2nd 2012
I wake up around six. I feel good and I just want some alone time before I have to get kids up and ready before school.  I wanted a shower but was too lazy to take one, sure wish I had! I ate breakfast and went to get kiddos out of bed.  Once all three were up I started getting very easily irritated.  Everything they did was getting to me.  Then I started having what i thought was braxton hicks.  They were interupting my carefully timed morning routine.  I went to wake up Matthew to ask him to help me with the kids.  He looks at me and asks if I was in labor.  Isaid I don't know I just need to get the kids ready and off to school.  They weren't really regular, every 3 to 5 minutes sometimes 10 minutes.  I called my sis-in-law, who happens to be a nurse at my obgyn, and told her what was going on. She laughs and terlls me to go to the hospital. Soo, not only am i getting kids ready for school, now I am finishing up packing last minute things for my bag and the kids.  We finally get out the door by 7:40. Matthew asks me if he should just drop kids off at his parents and let them take them to school.  I say nah.... So we proceed to take Alyssa to school.  Matthew gets nervous because by this point I can't talk through the contractions.  School traffic is thick and Matthew gets more  and more nervous.  He doesn't want this baby to come in the car.  I tell him there are cops all over and we're fine.  We make it to Johnny's school and then take Michelle to the Y.  I call all the right people to let them know they need tog et kids and at what time. 

We make it to the hospital and get checked in about 8:10.  The nurse checks me and I am still at 4cms.  My contractions are hard and my stomach is really upset.  I can't go to the labor room until the doctor comes and checks me.  He gets there around 9:30 and I am "4 to 5 cm"  So not much progress at all.  I have to have an antibiotic because of GBS and once the first dose went through he would break my water.  At 10, I finally get moved to a labor room and have an iv set up.  My contractions are hard but  not unbearable. I am also given something to help settle my stomach.  It makes me sleepy but also helps relax me.  I have to labor on my back but I am okay with that because moving makes the contractions harder and faster.  I am told once the anitbiotic is done I can walk, get on a birthing ball, or whatever helps me through the pain.  Around 11:15 I keep feeling pressure and call a nurse.  She comes and checks me my water is bulging and she can't find my cervix.  She calls another nurse and she says the same thing.  They say they are going to call Dr jackson, who has the med student with him.  (Funny story, the med student happens to be someone I knew growing up.  His sister and mine were best friends when they were younger.  His mom and mine are friends. And Matthew did computer work for his mom a few years ago.  Small world!) While we wait I push a little just to help with the pain....my water exploded. Imagine shaking a coke and the openning it...yea the same thing happened with my water!  It is 11:30 and she said dr. j is on his way.  I tell her I need to push  and she tells me to let the contraction go and I can't push!  I tell her she is mean :)  I have another contraction and I need to push and the nurse telle me know...and I again say she is mean :) As soon as dr. J walks in the room I practically yell at him I need to push...he says okay. He looks to see how it is going and he says let's go...two pushes her head was out and another push and her shoulder was out.  Dr. J had to help because her shoulder was stuck but not as bad as Michelle's.  The med student even got to help.  It was his first time helping with a delivery, he had been in the room with some.  I didn't care who helped, I just wanted her out. 

Matthew was the one to tell me what the baby was.....He was sure it was a boy and I just knew it was a girl!  And I was right!  Amelia Rose was born at 11:45 am!  She was 9lbs 13oz and 21 inches long.  She is such a good baby.  I have been blessed with four amazingly wonderful children!!

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