Tuesday, June 14, 2011

summer stuff

I have wanted to update on how things have been going but just haven't known what to say. I am not struggling like I was.  I still have days where I feel as if I am being pulled under again, but I am learning to know the signs and how to fight it.  It has helped that I had a two day trip where I was alone, no children to worry over, no schedule I had to make sure made everyone happy. It was just nice.  I am one to just go with the flow.  I rarely voice my opinion on where I want to eat or what stores I want to go into.  It was sooo nice to be able to just do what I wanted and no worry about pleasing those I was with.  Matthew was with me part of the time but he had to work for most of it.  It was the first time I had been without children overnight in five years.  I have either had my children with me or have been about 7-8 months preggo whenever we went away.  I realized I need to be alone.  Since then, I will go out alone, just to walk around a store and window shop.  It helps!! 

It also helped to go tot the beach for a week.  I had a rough start, we went with my in-laws, and I had to get adjusted to being around them.  I felt like I had to control my children a little more than normal which was hard.  After the firstf ew days tho, it got easier and we had a blast.  Despite J getting three black eyes, M stepping on a bee, A having croupe, J not sleeping well, M wheezing, Matthew steeping on a wasp, and probably more mishaps I can't remember right now.  It felt like every day someone had something wrong.  But the kids did great!

We are going again for a week with my family.  I am a little nervous because it will be a lot of people in a small space. And I am not a sit on the beach for 8 hours a day kind of person. My family is. So, we will see how it goes. We prayed about going and felt like we were suppose to. So, God can work everything out better than we can imagine!!

Anyway, We are just trying to survive the summer. A starts kindergarten in August and J starts halfday preschool.  I am looking forward to only having one child for part of the day.  I think it will be really good for him. 

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