Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today I am 30

This is my birthday. I can honesty say I can feel a shift in my life. I am old and wise now :) okay not really but something is different.

Back before I got married I prayed a DUMB prayer. I don't know what I was thinking but I did it. I asked God to always keep my relationship with Him on the same level as my husbands. DUMB!! Man, have I seen this prayer answered. Of all the things Godi answers why this one?? Don't get me wrong, my hubby has a good relationship with Jesus and he is wise beyond his years. But his hunger for God isn't at the level I want for my own life. I have struggled and struggled until finally last week God revealed to me my DUMB prayer!! I repented and feel like a flood gate has opened for me! I have this hunger for God and all He has to offer me!

My biggest struggle is being a mom. It is constant, when I am asleep and when I am awake. I was talking to my mom about what she did when we were young to help her be a better mom. She says she listened to Jameas Dobson and read some of his books. So I ordered the same books she read 30 years ago! They are still relevant! And I can download his radio show onto my phone! I listen while I am in the car. The other author I have been reading is Lysa Terhuerst. Man, her writing speaks to me.

Anyway, I finally feel as if I am growing. I don't have that floundering through life feeling anymore. It is amazing! I

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're feeling better! I think I wrote on your facebook, but if not, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) I need to get back into reading again!
