Friday, November 4, 2011

Good news

So, I finally have a moment to sit down and update everyone.  I am starting to feel better.  I met with the endochrinologist last week and she had good news.  She said that my thyroid problem is all due to a pregnancy hormone hCG.  She said I should go back to normal after the baby comes.  Yay! I am still easily tired but I have learned what taxes me.  I am now starting my second trimester and I can tell.  That whole sour stomach thing has gotten better and I don't require two naps a day.  Although my morning nap last about 2 to 3 hours.  I do have trouble falling asleep at night.  I have had a horrible cough for a week and I bet once that is gone I will feel almost normal!

We are going to VA for Thanksgiving this year.  I am excited and I love to see my hubby's family. They are fun! There are 10 adults, 5 children, and 3 dogs staying at our aunts house.  craziness!!!  I can't believe the hoilday season is here.  The years are going way too fast!  I can only imagine how time is going to fly next year when Bradshaw 4 enters the world. 

Well, I hope everyone has an awesome day!!

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