Monday, May 24, 2010

Just some reading

I just got done reading two chapters from Love and War.  It is such a good book!!!  What did I get out of it?  That I need to make sure I am running to God to fill me up and not my husband.  We are both empty vessels and we can't fill each other up.  Only God can fill me up.  How awesome is that?  Matthew, alone, can't make me happy.  My children, alone, can't make me happy.  But God, alone, can!!  He uses my husband and my children to bring me joy.

I am still working on my sewing projects!  They probably won't be posted until Saturday or Sunday.  I have to finish them and they're both for gifts.  So I don't want to spoil the gifts!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't ever read that book, but it already sounds good. I did learn that last year in another book I was reading and God really showed me how I was leaning on Josh to make me happy and "fulfill" my life and not allowing God to be the one too. It talked about how we put men so often before God and we often get so frusterated with them, because they aren't filling that part that we want of a real lover, but they can't, only God can!
