Saturday, November 14, 2009


Matthew and I went over to a friend’s house tonight and we were able to have a nice conversation in the 30 minute car ride. I love those moments with Matthew. That seems to be the only time we have to talk is when we're in the car together. With three children demanding our attention all day, we don't get much us time.

I was telling him about how God's teaching how to be more thankful. I am starting to Thank God for every small thing. I can see such a difference in how I think. Before God worked on me in this area my thought life was pretty bad. I seem to be finding the fault in everyone and everything. I was starting to not like who I was on the inside. I can't pin point when God started challenging me to change, but I know it has been very gentle and gradual. I am thankful for the change He has put in me.

I was also talking to Matthew about how I like how we live for today. We don’t have a five year plan. We do have desires and wants for our future, but we’re leaving everything in God’s hands. That is the only way I make it right now, to take it one day at a time. If I tried planning things for our future, I’d go nuts trying to make it happen. Matthew and I aren’t planners and I like it that way and it works well for us.

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